Lower Level
The focus of our Main Lesson
study is a social studies or science topic that we explore in depth for a
period of approximately 6 weeks. Each
unit is rich with possibilities for developing not only important knowledge of
the material but also pertinent skills and understandings that reach beyond the
particular subject matter. In addition,
the study of relevant topics inspires in the children both a curiosity about
the world and a reason for learning that carries over into all subject
Main Lesson is usually taught as
a whole group activity and must be relevant to all of the age groups. Thus, it is presented in such a way that the
students develop many different modes of learning including auditory, visual,
kinesthetic, musical, and artistic. The
lessons most often begin with a story and discussion about the topic and
concept for the day after which the group engages in an activity. It is through these activities that students
interact with the concepts as well as with each other. There are certain skills that are developed
within the context of this study.
Through the Science units we often explore the classification of living
organisms, characteristics of various habitats, the cycles of life including
the water cycle, observation and recording skills, lab experiments, and
ecological issues including the influences of human behavior on the
environment. Social Studies units lend
themselves to map study, the organization of information on timelines or
categorical charts, the study and appreciation of other people and cultures,
and the influence of certain policies and patterns of thought on human
history. Students explore a variety of
materials, develop critical thinking skills, learn how to discover new information,
and expand their communication skills.
The children are clearly motivated by their desire for new, pertinent
information and this excitement extends to all areas of the day in addition to
influencing some of their extracurricular pursuits.
Upper Level
In the Upper Level Classroom, Main Lesson includes direct instruction for the entire age group. Assignments and activities relative to the unit are geared to individual skills levels. Culminating Projects, both individual and cooperative, most often include research in both print and online sources or documentary film, and the development of oral presentations, essays, power point or mixed media presentations. Very often pertinent fiction, biography and autobiography are integrated through Language Arts classes. Students learn to glean important information, take notes, outline projects, properly cite sources, develop bibliographies and recognize plagiarism.
Upper Level
In the Upper Level Classroom, Main Lesson includes direct instruction for the entire age group. Assignments and activities relative to the unit are geared to individual skills levels. Culminating Projects, both individual and cooperative, most often include research in both print and online sources or documentary film, and the development of oral presentations, essays, power point or mixed media presentations. Very often pertinent fiction, biography and autobiography are integrated through Language Arts classes. Students learn to glean important information, take notes, outline projects, properly cite sources, develop bibliographies and recognize plagiarism.