Lower Level
The goal of the Lower Level Fine Arts Program is to develop technical skills corresponding to each child's developing fine motor control. Children learn the fundamentals of line, color, shape and form while experimenting with varied media and rapidly gain the confidence to explore their creativity. Individuality is encouraged as projects are designed to work with many skill levels. From the earliest grades children look at art carefully, discussing what is going on in paintings, photographs or images of sculpture. Art History provides insight into main lesson topics and frequently inspires projects.
Upper Level
Upper level students continue to explore tools and materials. Projects often require multiple weeks and are individual interpretations of a theme with specified media. Students work with both 2-D and 3-D designs, using block printing, carving, clay, plaster, and painting with acrylics, pastels and watercolors. Figure drawing, still life, portraits and landscape offer opportunities to increase drafting skills while exploring, light, shadow, negative space, and color. Upper Level students discuss reproductions, but also visit galleries and museums to gain understanding of artistic process and product. We seek to have all students consciously make art and art appreciation a part of their daily lives.